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Welcome to my blog! I am excited to share my journey with you towards completing my Multiple Subject Teaching Credential at NDNU. I am hoping to become a Kindergarten teacher in the near future.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Since I already have a facebook account, I am familiar with some of its basic features.  It was relatively simple for me to join the class created group, upload a picture with accompanying comment, and adding a comment to a wall post.  They were also pretty user friendly.  To upload a picture, you click on the picture icon.  To comment on a post, you type in the "write a comment.." box.  There is a lot of content on one page so you do have to look and search for the prompts and icons.

It was a little more confusing to add and edit the document.  When we were all trying to add and edit the document around the same time in class, it appeared to create a problem.  It appeared some of our edits were not appearing on everyone's document.  If this was a real project, I would be concerned about student's edits and work being lost or not accounted for.  The document feature on facebook also appears similar to google docs.  However, it is nice to have the features of the document within facebook so students who are collaborating on a project on facebook can access and edit the document without having to open a new window and go through another platform.

1 comment:

  1. I too had confusion when trying to use Facebook. It doesn't seem set up to fulfill the function that I would like to see to better serve students. I feel Google Docs does a better job, and as such is more useful.

    I personally wouldn't use Facebook to teach students. But if they feel that it could help with their studies, I would be happy to entertain ideas. I just dont' have any yet.
